Monday, August 27, 2012

Prenatal Yoga Pose: Butterfly

Butterfly {Sanskrit: Baddha Konasana}. A perfect way to calm the mind, open up the hips and relax the inner thigh muscles.

Step by Step:

Sit on a folded blanket or pillow if your hips or groins are tight. Bend your knees, pull your heels toward your body with the soles of your feet together, then drop your knees out to the sides. Never force your knees down.

Lengthen your spine and relax your shoulders down your back. Take your gaze either in front of you or down towards your feet.

Stay here for a few breaths.  If your body allows it, exhale and slowly begin to fold forward drawing your torso towards your legs. Keep your breath flowing naturally and try to maintain a straight spine.

As you inhale gently raise your torso back up and lift your knees away from the floor.


  1. Great pose for prenatal women! Here are some poses for mommy and baby:

  2. Thank you very much! Great site you have - thank you for sharing.
